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The annual tour of the North and South Downs of Southern England in the glory of mid Autumn is an established end to the cycling season for many. I say "many", I mean "as many as three or four"! Whatever - it will be established after the fun we'll have on this first year! Or it'll never happen again and fade away into ignominy. We'll see…

A great time - thank you everyone! Pictures are here - please send me what I don't have


Runners and Riders

Mark (Black Power Ranger) Child

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Mark is a rider of the "old school" - raised in the hills of south Devon, cycling opened and closed each day with a paper-round then to swim training and on to school every morning and a ride to swimming before a late night of drugs and drumming. Latterly a leader of Team Bianchi until a broken frame and an ill-fitted bottle cage threatened an early career-end he now rides, along with Chris Owens, for Specialized

Jimmie (The Jimster) Gull

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Jimmie is a late starter - in his early 30's and having gained 30kg in weight over the last year, he simply hopes for a finish in his first year riding the "Downs Tour"! And he might (just) do that if he stays true to his latest form (search "Gull" here) - if he does, he promises to dedicate his win finish to his loved grandson Oliver

Ian (Lucky/Cynical) Luckett

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Never one to look on the dark side, Ian has, through (admittedly) little choice of his own, left Colnago after a "familial disagreement" with the team management over what colour frame to use ("rust" is a colour!) and joined Bianchi, filling the man-sized hole left there with Mark's defection. Too many coaches [Editor: you had to go there…?!] to name in recent years, Ian now looks to his big brother Steve for on-the-bike inspiration

Chris (Plural) Owens

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The dark sheep of the team, not much is known of Specialized's #2 rider other than that he, too, like Ian, has gone through a number of coaches [Editor: I thought we'd agreed you'd stop at Ian?] over the years - 80 in total - and that he has, in the past, stated a passionate preference for Mercedes over the much more reliable, comfortable and definitely better Irizar (the i8 being of particular note) range [Editor: Wrong site… pay attention!]

PS @Irizar - sponsorship opportunities are still available at this late stage

PPS @MercedesCoaches - you should see what @Irizar are paying out this year, you need to up your game or risk getting left behind!

Paul (RaceYa) Swinburne

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Too long known to sit back and watch others take the glory of stage wins, Paul is now seeing the same Sports Psychologist that had a dramatic effect on Andy Murray's game to get some "bite" into his riding and find a competitive edge. In addition, the last few months have seen heavy investment in "hardware" with a new big cog and cables all round lavished on his 22 year old Scott. Now sponsored by Garmin he is happy to share full documented evidence with race officials of his compliance.

Secret Backup

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Details to follow… maybe!


Friday 16th Sept

0830: Collect the Jimster from LHR - on to Farnham House
1030: JLT Charity ride (98km)

Saturday 17th

0900: Farnham - Dorking (118km - route map below)
1200: Le déjeuner chez Xavier Oleron (á Chiddingfold, Surrey)
1800: Dinner and overnight at Hartsfield Manor

Sunday 18th

0900: Dorking Loop, TBC (route map below - still work in progress)
1700: Drop off the Jimster @ LHR


Photos here